Tuesday, 20 May 2014

Final degree show up and ready

All the hard work has finally paid off and the Degree show is up and ready for the private viewing on the 23rd May. Below are the final images of the show and also some close ups of my blankets and cushions.

Friday, 16 May 2014

Re-upholstery finished

Below are some photos of my final re-upholstery. I believe that they work well as a collection and that the comparison in old and new doesn't stand out too much but works well.

Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Degree show building progress

The start of the degree show built and everything seems on track, with a few hours of team work, lots of white paint and muscles put to use the boards are up and everyone is starting to put up their own show designs.

Saturday, 3 May 2014

Business cards arrived

So after lots of deliberation I finalised  my business cards and ordered them from moo.com, they got delivered and I am really happy with them, finally things are starting to feel real and the end of University is coming together.

Friday, 2 May 2014

Wide warp beginning

Finally the weaving on my wide warp has begun, lots of patience was needed for threading this up. A double cloth 90cm wide warp with one wool warp and one cotton. But finally the weaving has begun and I am very pleased with the outcome. So much so I wove my first blanket in under 2 hours as pictured here below. Before the degree show starts to go up next week I plan to finished weaving this warp and use the blankets in the show and one piece of hand woven fabric to create a new upholstery for a foot stool.