Friday, 28 February 2014

Lace repeat designs

As a part of my project I will be including repeat patterns into my designs, I love working on Photoshop to edit and create these designs from something so simple to something beautiful and unique. Some of my designs are going to be felted and made into blankets which I will then laser cut. I want to introduce different ideas into this by using simple and also details designs As a Variation.

Below is me designing on Photoshop, the imagery for this design came from a drawing from a photo of a railing in Paris.

This design below is a finished repeat design that I will weave on the jacquard loom. The inspiration came from spirals and swirls of architecture mixed with the idea of lace holes.

Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Paris inspiration

So this weekend I got back from a trip to Paris which I went on with the University to go to Premier Vision and other areas of Paris that may have inspired me and given me some useful information and influences to design from. 

Below are two images that I took in a haberdashery where we went on the first evening in Paris, The colours within the images suit my colour palette 'to a tee'. The only separation of the colours in these images is that I will be adding a hint of pink to brighten and highlight my designs. I will also be using cream and grey tones as bases of my designs.

 Paris really inspired me, not just through the colours I found in this shop but through the delicate patterns within their architecture that reminded me of lace and also how different their culture is to ours even though they aren't that far from England.

I took many photos within my time in Paris and I will be looking into these with depth to pull out shapes and patterns that I can draw from and create designs of my own that work within my project title. The colour palette is just the beginning. 

Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Below is a colour mood-board that I designed for my final project, I will be using a lot of blue tones with creams and greys for my designs. Blue is very in fashion for the interior market at the minute as it is not seen as being forwarded to just the feminine market. So therefore, masculine home owners will also be interested in buying interiors for their homes and these colours will suit all. 

I have chosen to add in a dash of coral and rich pink here and there to adapt my designs to their needs. To find all my colours I have used imagery and created tonal boards like the one below to fit all the colours together to make sure they match and work with each other.

Nature from a different perspective

Below are a few previous designs from my project 'Nature from a different perspective'. I liked the idea that nature is a very known inspiration but I wanted my work to be a little different. With this idea I decided that I didn't always want my designs to be perceived straight away as drawings from flowers or leaves, so I edited my ideas to create patterns with a unique design look. Most of this imagery below is from my monochrome palette that I used in comparison to a pastel palette.

This design below is one of the ones from when I started to add colour. For this project I chose a colour palette of pastel tones with monochrome highlights.

Sunday, 2 February 2014

Cutout lace work

Below is a design that is from my current project, I plan to weave this on the jacquard though the imagery is taken from my texel loom work.

As my current project is based around lace, I have decided to do a lot of cut out work and incorporate this into my designs. I will be felting some of my woven work and then laser tutting into it to create lace edges. Below are two cutout designs by hand.

This design below is one of my first texel loom designs. The twisting and tieing of the yarns does take time but I am very pleased with the results.