So, it's been a little while since I wrote on my blog. Finishing off second year and starting my third year at uni has flown by with so much to do. But instead of starting completely afresh I thought I'd pick up where I left off.
Now, I am in the run up to my final degree show of my last year at university. A lot of work on the cards. Seeing as I specialise in weave now, I want to have many different techniques within my work. And I also want to use different weights of materials so that they become a collection within interior design. So some would be for a blanket and some would be for upholstering a chair or Ottoman.
My designs this semester will be based around lace and the structures you can find within lace. It will also hold an idea about embellishments. I want to experiment with the laser cutter for lace like or trimmed edges on blankets. This involves a lot of cut out work within my sketchbooks this semester.
Within the next couple of days I will show some of my previous work over the last year. Look at it as a catch up :)